The diving bag presents you
Evaluate your dive according to your level
La plongée c’est accessible… avec un savoir-faire à portée de main.
It is certain that to dive safely, you must take care of your health! However, this practice remains accessible if you follow basic notions throughout your life.
- Join the Quebec Subaquatic win!
You can update your knowledge on the practice of recreational diving in Quebec by becoming a member with privileged access that allows you to join a community sensitive to the same universe as yours!
- Physical and mental fitness is life!
On ne t’apprend rien, maintenir une certaine forme physique en pratiquant une activité sportive c’est bon pour le corps et l’esprit ! Alors fonce ! (pas besoin d’être un guerrier non plus)
- Prevention is better than cure !
Follow up with your general practitioner during your check-up to check your skills and protect yourself from risks or accidents
Reminder of the levels of divers, 4 levels in Quebec:
- level A: To start scuba diving!
- level B: To go deeper and supervise your buddys!
- level C: To obtain diving specialties (ex: underwater photography, exploration of wrecks, etc.)
- level D: To become a master diver and supervise under remuneration!
Rules are important! We reassure you it's crystal clear! This way :,%20r.%208
What are the variables that a diver must take
into account to dive according to his level?
Each level of diver must respect a dive site allowing a direct ascent to the surface.
2 variables to take into account depending on your level:
The diving depth and the time of day (day or night) see table below:
A few other aspects to consider before going on a dive?
Have you taken a good look at the online dive sector map with dives here and taken a copy with you?
Does the level of service in the diving sector make you feel confident? (Signage, sector map, services available nearby, etc.)
Is cellular network available at your dive site?
Have you communicated to a relative your departure in diving?
Consult our practical advice Prepare well for diving for more information on preparing for your next exploration.
For more information visit:
The Québec Subaquatique blog
Our Facebook page
Our Instagram account