Québec Subaquatique is a federation of outdoor activities. A private stakeholder of public interest, it is owned by its members and associates with organizations that share its objectives. A non-profit organization founded in 1970, Québec Subaquatique brings together underwater activity enthusiasts and diving stakeholders in Quebec. It also publishes the magazine En Profondeur.
Its mission
The Federation's mission is to bring together underwater enthusiasts, ensure their safety, represent their interests and promote underwater activities (scuba diving, underwater hockey and rugby, freediving sports).
Ses objectifs
- To ensure the safety of recreational scuba divers;
- To promote underwater activities on the territory of the province of Quebec;
- To bring together organizations and individuals interested in underwater activities;
- To inform and educate its members and the general population of Quebec on the benefits of underwater activities and to promote these activities as a leisure activity and a means of training;
- To develop in organizations and individuals interested in underwater activities, respect for nature and the environment and the preservation of the fauna and flora and the underwater heritage;
- To make studies and develop research on the various aspects of the practice of underwater activities;
- To solicit and receive from any corporation, society, group or individual, donations, bequests and other contributions of the same nature in money, securities or real estate; to administer such donations, bequests and other contributions and to organize fund raising campaigns;
- To represent the interests of Quebec divers and stakeholders in the world of underwater activities at the Quebec, Canadian and international levels
Conseil d’administration, commissions et comités
If you are interested in serving on a committee, please contact Marie-Christine Lessard, Executive Director, at info@quebecsubaquatique.ca
Marie-Pierre Lessard – Présidente
Stéphanie Labbé – Vice-présidente
Suzanne Gagnon – Secrétaire
Gilles Vaillancourt – Trésorier
Émilie Bouthillette – Administratrice
Johanny Lambert – Administratrice
Frédéric Truchon – Administrateur
Présidente – Marie-Pierre Lessard
Coordo: Marie-Christine Lessard
Stéphann Grégoire
Stéphanie Labbé
Présidente : Marie-Pierre Lessard
Charles Dupont
Karine Desautels
Président: Gilles Vaillancourt
Coordo: Marie-Christine Lessard
Suzanne Gagnon
Stéphann Grégoire
Hugo Daniel – Président
Marie-Renée Blanchet
Karine Desautels
Pierre Larose
Carl Mailhot
Marc-Denis Rioux